How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World
We all want the same thing in our lives, to be loved, really loved, and to love someone, unconditionally. Everything else is secondary. Possessions, a good job, money, health, all are secondary to love. If we don’t have it in our lives, we search for it in many different ways, whether it is through, power, anger, drugs, drinking, smoking, overeating, there are many forms, but it all comes down to love. We even sacrifice ourselves by allowing us to be taken advantage of, abused, used, getting in with the wrong people. Love helps us get through the “challenging” times. Today I will make an extra effort to love!
Don’t forget to follow these emails on my blog I have all of the emails from January 2010, and through mid-March 2009. In a few weeks all of the emails I have sent will be posted on my blog. Be sure to pass this along to all those you feel could use a Coleman Moment.
January 29, 2010
January 27, 2010
2010 Will Be Better
How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World
Yesterday a builder brought in two prints of houses he is bidding. Another builder told me that over this past weekend that it was busier than it has been in months. It may not be blockbuster, but it is getting better out there. Banks are lending, not as easily, but they are lending. People are looking, and buying, not as in as large numbers. I’ve decided that 2010 will be better than 2009. Our forecast is better, our expenses are down, 2010 will be better.
Don’t forget to follow these emails on my blog I have all of the emails from January 2010, and through mid-March 2009. In a few weeks all of the emails I have sent will be posted on my blog. Be sure to pass this along to all those you feel could use a Coleman Moment.
Yesterday a builder brought in two prints of houses he is bidding. Another builder told me that over this past weekend that it was busier than it has been in months. It may not be blockbuster, but it is getting better out there. Banks are lending, not as easily, but they are lending. People are looking, and buying, not as in as large numbers. I’ve decided that 2010 will be better than 2009. Our forecast is better, our expenses are down, 2010 will be better.
Don’t forget to follow these emails on my blog I have all of the emails from January 2010, and through mid-March 2009. In a few weeks all of the emails I have sent will be posted on my blog. Be sure to pass this along to all those you feel could use a Coleman Moment.
January 26, 2010
Who Do You Affect?
How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World
I am continually amazed how one person can affect so many other lives. Fed Chairmen Bernanke got confirmed to continue in his role leading the US out of financial problems. Regardless of your beliefs if you agree or not, the stock market calmed down with this news. That is thousands of people, because of one. Which got me to thinking about the people that I affect, by my mood, my words, my actions, my work. How a spouse can be affected by another spouse. How a child can affect a family by their behavior. How a pastor or priest can affect their congregation. Who do I affect? Who do you affect?
Don’t forget to follow these emails on my blog I have all of the emails from January 2010, and through mid-March 2009. In a few weeks all of the emails I have sent will be posted on my blog. Be sure to pass this along to all those you feel could use a Coleman Moment.
I am continually amazed how one person can affect so many other lives. Fed Chairmen Bernanke got confirmed to continue in his role leading the US out of financial problems. Regardless of your beliefs if you agree or not, the stock market calmed down with this news. That is thousands of people, because of one. Which got me to thinking about the people that I affect, by my mood, my words, my actions, my work. How a spouse can be affected by another spouse. How a child can affect a family by their behavior. How a pastor or priest can affect their congregation. Who do I affect? Who do you affect?
Don’t forget to follow these emails on my blog I have all of the emails from January 2010, and through mid-March 2009. In a few weeks all of the emails I have sent will be posted on my blog. Be sure to pass this along to all those you feel could use a Coleman Moment.
January 25, 2010
Attitude is Free
How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World
The older I get, the more I believe that “Attitude” is everything. My “attitude” can make me or not make me do things. My “attitude” can influence others, whether it is for good or bad. My “attitude” can wake me up in the morning, or keep me in bed. My “attitude” can even help me to recover from disease. I watched the two Championships football games yesterday, while preparing for our taxes, and saw that one person had an impact on their entire team, on their hometown fans, and on ownership. Whether it be Peyton Manning, Brett Favre, Drew Brees, or Mark Sanchez. Their attitude and belief in not just themselves, but their team, brought them all this way, to the Conference Championship Game. Everybody did better this whole season. Played better than their skills showed, coached better than their resume, ran for more yards, caught more passes, made more field goals…To think, it all started with one person’s attitude.
The funny thing about this attitude thing is that this is free, I don’t need special training, I don’t need a college degree, I don’t need to be a certain age, and I just have to decide. Today, I will watch my attitude, and today I will share my attitude with others.
Don’t forget to follow these emails on my blog I have all of the emails from January 2010, and through mid-March 2009. In a few weeks all of the emails I have sent will be posted on my blog. Be sure to pass this along to all those you feel could use a Coleman Moment.
The older I get, the more I believe that “Attitude” is everything. My “attitude” can make me or not make me do things. My “attitude” can influence others, whether it is for good or bad. My “attitude” can wake me up in the morning, or keep me in bed. My “attitude” can even help me to recover from disease. I watched the two Championships football games yesterday, while preparing for our taxes, and saw that one person had an impact on their entire team, on their hometown fans, and on ownership. Whether it be Peyton Manning, Brett Favre, Drew Brees, or Mark Sanchez. Their attitude and belief in not just themselves, but their team, brought them all this way, to the Conference Championship Game. Everybody did better this whole season. Played better than their skills showed, coached better than their resume, ran for more yards, caught more passes, made more field goals…To think, it all started with one person’s attitude.
The funny thing about this attitude thing is that this is free, I don’t need special training, I don’t need a college degree, I don’t need to be a certain age, and I just have to decide. Today, I will watch my attitude, and today I will share my attitude with others.
Don’t forget to follow these emails on my blog I have all of the emails from January 2010, and through mid-March 2009. In a few weeks all of the emails I have sent will be posted on my blog. Be sure to pass this along to all those you feel could use a Coleman Moment.
January 22, 2010
What's Your Steroid?
How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World
Hearing about Mark McGuire using steroids in baseball got me to thinking. He used steroids because he felt that he needed the drug to play better. What type of “steroid” do I need to be a better businessman, husband, father, grandfather? For me it starts with my attitude, but then leads into education. Today, I will educate myself in some fashion, whether it’s to look something up on the internet, get a book from the library, ask a friend “how do you do that?”. Will you join me?
Don’t forget to follow these emails on my blog I have all of the emails from January 2010, and through mid-March 2009. In a few weeks all of the emails I have sent will be posted on my blog. Be sure to pass this along to all those you feel could use a Coleman Moment.
Hearing about Mark McGuire using steroids in baseball got me to thinking. He used steroids because he felt that he needed the drug to play better. What type of “steroid” do I need to be a better businessman, husband, father, grandfather? For me it starts with my attitude, but then leads into education. Today, I will educate myself in some fashion, whether it’s to look something up on the internet, get a book from the library, ask a friend “how do you do that?”. Will you join me?
Don’t forget to follow these emails on my blog I have all of the emails from January 2010, and through mid-March 2009. In a few weeks all of the emails I have sent will be posted on my blog. Be sure to pass this along to all those you feel could use a Coleman Moment.
January 19, 2010
It's the Little Things
How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World
Today was one of those days that my plan for the day was not fulfilled. I was feeling a little down about it, and one phone call got me back on track. I know we all know it in our heads, but sometimes we need to be reminded that it’s the little things that we do in life, to each other that make the biggest differences. I will continue to work hard on doing the little things for not just my customers, but my friends, family, and co-workers.
Don’t forget to follow these emails on my blog I have all of the emails from January 2010, and through mid-March 2009. In a few weeks all of the emails I have sent will be posted on my blog. Be sure to pass this along to all those you feel could use a Coleman Moment.
Today was one of those days that my plan for the day was not fulfilled. I was feeling a little down about it, and one phone call got me back on track. I know we all know it in our heads, but sometimes we need to be reminded that it’s the little things that we do in life, to each other that make the biggest differences. I will continue to work hard on doing the little things for not just my customers, but my friends, family, and co-workers.
Don’t forget to follow these emails on my blog I have all of the emails from January 2010, and through mid-March 2009. In a few weeks all of the emails I have sent will be posted on my blog. Be sure to pass this along to all those you feel could use a Coleman Moment.
January 18, 2010
Moments of Celebration
How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World
I attended my granddaughter’s 1 year old birthday party yesterday. Both sets of great grandparents were there, and I was thankful. I find that we don’t create moments for celebration often enough. For it is in those moments that memories are made. How can I, or we create and attend more Moments of Celebration”?
I attended my granddaughter’s 1 year old birthday party yesterday. Both sets of great grandparents were there, and I was thankful. I find that we don’t create moments for celebration often enough. For it is in those moments that memories are made. How can I, or we create and attend more Moments of Celebration”?
January 16, 2010
I've Jumped into Social Media
How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World
I’m not sure if I am succumbing to world of change, or if I am being smart by adding to my workload, but because many of you have asked over the last year, I have started a blog to post all of the current and last years “Positive” emails that I have sent. If you read blogs, please find me at:
Also, I will begin to coordinate these efforts with Facebook and Twitter. All I need to do is figure it out, that is after I figure out how to use a Blackberry. Yes, I will now have one of these as well. It turns out that a company called Cbeyond can provide my company with faster and better service for phone, internet, email, backups, and a lot of things that I don’t know yet, for less money than I was paying, about $200 a month less.
So, if you would like to tell your friends about the blog, go right ahead and join in the movement of getting through these “challenging” times thinking in a better way. Thank you all for your words of encouragement, it confirms that together we all can become better and more successful, one day at a time.
I’m not sure if I am succumbing to world of change, or if I am being smart by adding to my workload, but because many of you have asked over the last year, I have started a blog to post all of the current and last years “Positive” emails that I have sent. If you read blogs, please find me at:
Also, I will begin to coordinate these efforts with Facebook and Twitter. All I need to do is figure it out, that is after I figure out how to use a Blackberry. Yes, I will now have one of these as well. It turns out that a company called Cbeyond can provide my company with faster and better service for phone, internet, email, backups, and a lot of things that I don’t know yet, for less money than I was paying, about $200 a month less.
So, if you would like to tell your friends about the blog, go right ahead and join in the movement of getting through these “challenging” times thinking in a better way. Thank you all for your words of encouragement, it confirms that together we all can become better and more successful, one day at a time.
January 15, 2010
Money is begining to flow
How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World
I attended a Builders Meeting last night, and they had a panel of 7 bankers talk about lending and our economy. In summary, things got tight and no lending occurred. Now, there are many restrictions and/or controls to avoid the problems that were created, but lending is occurring. Primarily, for a round peg to fit into a round hole. If anyone does not fit within the boxes, it is very difficult. Again, lending is occurring and though it is a tough and slow road we are on, we are moving. The overall consensus was that we are or have been at the bottom, and we are on our way out of this recession. Though I heard several sad stories, it was good to talk with people that believe things to be getting better.
I attended a Builders Meeting last night, and they had a panel of 7 bankers talk about lending and our economy. In summary, things got tight and no lending occurred. Now, there are many restrictions and/or controls to avoid the problems that were created, but lending is occurring. Primarily, for a round peg to fit into a round hole. If anyone does not fit within the boxes, it is very difficult. Again, lending is occurring and though it is a tough and slow road we are on, we are moving. The overall consensus was that we are or have been at the bottom, and we are on our way out of this recession. Though I heard several sad stories, it was good to talk with people that believe things to be getting better.
January 14, 2010
The American DNA
How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World
I have heard it many times, whether it was in school, from our politicians, the movies or commentaries in the news, the American people from the day we were founded, are industrious, creative, and compassionate. We all know that our country has created large amounts of debt and future obligations for us, and in spite of that, we still are coming to the aid of the people of Haiti. Our country has committed $100 million, our Red Cross along with many volunteers from both the private sector and the public sector. In spite of our own troubles of unemployment, we still feel fortunate to live here, and we want to help those around the world in need. If all of the resources that are being sent to Haiti stayed here, we would be stronger, but we want to take care of our fellow man. This trait, that I have inherited is humbling. I feel fortunate to care about my fellow man, even in times of my own need, I still look to help those less fortunate. It may not be in Haiti, but it is still a spirit of giving.
I have heard it many times, whether it was in school, from our politicians, the movies or commentaries in the news, the American people from the day we were founded, are industrious, creative, and compassionate. We all know that our country has created large amounts of debt and future obligations for us, and in spite of that, we still are coming to the aid of the people of Haiti. Our country has committed $100 million, our Red Cross along with many volunteers from both the private sector and the public sector. In spite of our own troubles of unemployment, we still feel fortunate to live here, and we want to help those around the world in need. If all of the resources that are being sent to Haiti stayed here, we would be stronger, but we want to take care of our fellow man. This trait, that I have inherited is humbling. I feel fortunate to care about my fellow man, even in times of my own need, I still look to help those less fortunate. It may not be in Haiti, but it is still a spirit of giving.
January 13, 2010
Time to be Still
One thing I noticed is that with this slowdown over the past two years, I expected to have more “quiet time”. That has not been the case. We all need time to think, time to be calm, time to be creative. With all of the “extra” work these challenging times has created for us all, we need it that much more. The Bible states it simply, “Time to be still”. I found that time last night, to be still with my thoughts. Now, I am ready for today’s new challenges!
January 12, 2010
Learning Can Take All Forms
I, like many of you watch TV shows, enjoy them, talk about them, but have never gone any further than programming the next recording. Tonight, I decided to send an email. I have pasted it here as my first post:
I caught the flu over the Christmas holidays, so stuck at home with nothing to do but watch TV. I enjoy several shows on the Bravo channel and saw your commercial for your Salon Takeover. After one show I was hooked. I have recorded them all, and can’t wait to watch another.
I am sure you get complimented all of the time, but the greatest value and the skill I enjoy most is you demonstrating what being a “boss”, being a “manager”, being a “leader” is all about. You are tough, but fair. You enjoy fun, and can make money at the same time. Above all, you want to serve the customer! What you let us see in your show, is all about running a business, not just a salon business, but any small business.
I started my business in 1988, and I have had my share of successes and failures. I have also been burnt out, and have found my passion again. Your show has sparked a new kind of motivation, and I just wanted to thank you. Many years ago I read a book entitled The E-Myth. There are many truths in this book, but one phrase comes to mind as I write this, “The worst thing an entrepreneur has, is they don’t have a boss. They don’t have accountability to anyone.” Tabitha, that is what you provide, you demonstrate it, and you teach it. I think your show should be watched, just watched by any small business, to teach each of us how to be…
One last thing, thank you for giving back to your industry. Start grooming your replacement now, it will take years to get them up to speed!
I caught the flu over the Christmas holidays, so stuck at home with nothing to do but watch TV. I enjoy several shows on the Bravo channel and saw your commercial for your Salon Takeover. After one show I was hooked. I have recorded them all, and can’t wait to watch another.
I am sure you get complimented all of the time, but the greatest value and the skill I enjoy most is you demonstrating what being a “boss”, being a “manager”, being a “leader” is all about. You are tough, but fair. You enjoy fun, and can make money at the same time. Above all, you want to serve the customer! What you let us see in your show, is all about running a business, not just a salon business, but any small business.
I started my business in 1988, and I have had my share of successes and failures. I have also been burnt out, and have found my passion again. Your show has sparked a new kind of motivation, and I just wanted to thank you. Many years ago I read a book entitled The E-Myth. There are many truths in this book, but one phrase comes to mind as I write this, “The worst thing an entrepreneur has, is they don’t have a boss. They don’t have accountability to anyone.” Tabitha, that is what you provide, you demonstrate it, and you teach it. I think your show should be watched, just watched by any small business, to teach each of us how to be…
One last thing, thank you for giving back to your industry. Start grooming your replacement now, it will take years to get them up to speed!
Feeling of Anticipation
How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World
I received a phone call from a lady inviting me to her Open House, celebrating the opening of her new business. I asked “what type of business?”, and she said custom made furniture. I told her that I was impressed that she is opening any new business during these challenging times, and that her actions and enthusiasm has motivated me to look for the part of me. The part of all of us that looks forward to the new adventure, a new place to work, a new place to visit, a new experience. It’s like when we know we are going on a vacation and can hardly sleep the night before with excitement. I want to wake up everyday with that feeling of anticipation for what the day will bring.
I wonder what today will bring into my life???
I received a phone call from a lady inviting me to her Open House, celebrating the opening of her new business. I asked “what type of business?”, and she said custom made furniture. I told her that I was impressed that she is opening any new business during these challenging times, and that her actions and enthusiasm has motivated me to look for the part of me. The part of all of us that looks forward to the new adventure, a new place to work, a new place to visit, a new experience. It’s like when we know we are going on a vacation and can hardly sleep the night before with excitement. I want to wake up everyday with that feeling of anticipation for what the day will bring.
I wonder what today will bring into my life???
January 07, 2010
Be Aware of the Present, but Think of the Future
How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World
It’s been about a year ago that I started turning off the media because of the negativity that they spew. Then I decided I needed to think of at least one positive thought everyday. Then I needed to be responsible to do this, so I started writing this and sending it to my wife. Now, there are over 60 people who receive this, and some of them pass it on to friends and co-workers. In reflecting on this history, I started to think about what I was writing last year. One of the themes was that the financial markets seemed to be moving up. The Dow was moving toward 9,000, now just a year later the Dow closed at 10,573 yesterday. Time and distance gives us perspective. My goal is to be aware of the present but think towards the future.
It’s been about a year ago that I started turning off the media because of the negativity that they spew. Then I decided I needed to think of at least one positive thought everyday. Then I needed to be responsible to do this, so I started writing this and sending it to my wife. Now, there are over 60 people who receive this, and some of them pass it on to friends and co-workers. In reflecting on this history, I started to think about what I was writing last year. One of the themes was that the financial markets seemed to be moving up. The Dow was moving toward 9,000, now just a year later the Dow closed at 10,573 yesterday. Time and distance gives us perspective. My goal is to be aware of the present but think towards the future.
January 06, 2010
When Should I Plant a Tree?
How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World
Recovering from this cold, I am a few days behind in the New Year’s Resolutions. Oh, I have thought about them, planned them, even discussed some of them. As I am now in the formalization of taking what I think and putting into action, I realize that we all like the beginning. A clean slate, with a new year, or a new month, or a new week or even day. It’s easier to start something “anew” than it is to change. It’s all the same thing, doing something on Friday of last week the 1st, or Monday of this week, really is no different than if we did it, or began it 2 weeks ago or 2 weeks from now. We all want to begin NEW. I therefore resolve to treat each day, each week, each month, and each quarter with an attitude of NEW. I can begin anything NEW when one of those arrives. It reminds of the question “When is the best time to plant a tree?” The real answer is 20 years ago. The next question is “When is the second best time to plant a tree?” This answer is “Today”.
Recovering from this cold, I am a few days behind in the New Year’s Resolutions. Oh, I have thought about them, planned them, even discussed some of them. As I am now in the formalization of taking what I think and putting into action, I realize that we all like the beginning. A clean slate, with a new year, or a new month, or a new week or even day. It’s easier to start something “anew” than it is to change. It’s all the same thing, doing something on Friday of last week the 1st, or Monday of this week, really is no different than if we did it, or began it 2 weeks ago or 2 weeks from now. We all want to begin NEW. I therefore resolve to treat each day, each week, each month, and each quarter with an attitude of NEW. I can begin anything NEW when one of those arrives. It reminds of the question “When is the best time to plant a tree?” The real answer is 20 years ago. The next question is “When is the second best time to plant a tree?” This answer is “Today”.
January 05, 2010
Started Back Up
How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World
Well, I started up this email again, and then I caught a cold. One person told me that is good, huh? He said that I now have my 2010 cold behind me, so I won’t be bothered by it later in the year. Now, that’s a positive attitude!
Well, I started up this email again, and then I caught a cold. One person told me that is good, huh? He said that I now have my 2010 cold behind me, so I won’t be bothered by it later in the year. Now, that’s a positive attitude!
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