December 29, 2009

I Can Choose

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

I often find similarities between sports and business. Last night, on Monday Night Football the Bears played with heart and talent all game long, and won in overtime. They were already out of the playoffs, some said they had nothing to play for, their season was over. “Don’t exert yourself too much you might get hurt and ruin your career.” The coaching staff is all going to be fired at the end of the season.

Instead they chose to fight, they chose to work hard, they chose the fundamentals of running the ball and interjecting passes. They chose to win! I can do that too, I can choose to be positive, to work hard, to do the fundamentals, and to win. For once this season, thank you Chicago Bears!

December 28, 2009

Don't Should All Over Yourself

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

I’m sure this Christmas does not have the same “Wow” factor of Christmas’s past. We may not have had as many presents, or as expensive of presents, and we begin to think that this was a “bad” Christmas. In the book Psalms it states “out of the mouth of babes”, and we now use this quote as being childlike simplicity. Oftentimes, we adults tend to complicate matters, and seeing life through the eyes of a child can put a perspective on things that we think matters.

Spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my two grandchildren ages 2 ½ and 11 months tended to do this for me. They did not know it was a special day, they did not know about the presents, they were just happy being with their family. Grandparents visiting and Dad did not have to go to work meant more play time. Nap schedules got messed around with, meals were different, “I want chicken nuggets” instead of turkey.

This reminded me of the debates about commercialism of our holidays versus the true meaning of each one. It reminded me again, that I am my own worst enemy. I put thoughts into my own head of what I should do and what I should be. As my mother has said a number of times, if I keep this up I will be “shoulding” on myself. My mind, my family, my life, and my work, is all about perspective. In this case it is about my perspective about myself. I am happy because I choose to be happy. Why not join me?

December 23, 2009

Memories Are All We Have

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

Surprises-I received in the mail today a photo from the charity we raised just over $5,000 for from our Wine Tasting Event in September. This caused me to remember that event, to remember why we decided to do it, to remember the people I met that night, to remember and to smile.

When we finish installing a closet system for someone, we leave behind a Gift Box of 5 hangers. I wonder if our customers are surprised?

Memories are all we have as we move through this life. I will try to only create happy and positive memories.

December 21, 2009

Perspective Changes

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

It’s been several months now since I made the time to write something positive, mostly to myself, but also to you. My company, like many others, had to lay off several people. So, I have been working much more “in” the business, rather than “on” the business. This is mostly the reason why I did not make the time to write something.

The other reason is that I was feeling bad. I felt like, by giving up the people that I worked with, I also gave up on my dream. The good news is that I did not, it just took perspective from a different source. I now feel that not only is it possible for us to climb our way out of the hole we dug for ourselves, we will actually be a better company, I will be a better leader. For this I am thankful, for this I feel positive, especially in these challenging times.

September 08, 2009

Today I Woke Up

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

Some days are tougher than other days to find the positive. Today I woke up. That is my positive thought for today. I read a headline in the paper online today, Accident Kills 3. I was out driving around over the long weekend. I could have been on that road. I could have…

Some of you have made the comment that sometimes I write that I stay positive by “not”. Not being the one in the accident, not being homeless, not being hungry, not being… The point is perspective. How we each perceive ourselves and the world around us, creates our expectations. If we have a different perspective, it can change us. And that is what I am trying to accomplish by writing something every work day. By forcing myself to look for positives each day, I am forcing my perspectives to change, which hopefully will change by expectations.

I am thankful for the life I have, and am living. I don’t want to be anybody else. I am happy being me, troubles and all.

September 04, 2009

3 Year Old Voice Mail

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

I had this happen to me today, and it came at a good time. When I receive a voice mail message that I like, I save it. My voice mail system saves the message for 21 days, and then prompts me to resave it, or delete it. Today it prompted me to do this, and I listened to the message again, and smiled. It came at just the right time in my day. At the end of the message I realized that I have saved that message for over 3 years. I wonder, did I save it 3 years ago, so I could hear it today?

September 03, 2009

Remember to Laugh

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

I’ve been out of the office these past few days on appointments, and have spent quite a bit of time in my car, which I enjoy. For whatever reason I began to think about my childhood, when times were different. My biggest worry was “Are we playing baseball or basketball today?”. I then began to think about all of the happy memories growing up, from the age of 8 to 10, then from 16-18, I’ll forget the years in between. I smiled as I was driving, and then I began to laugh, all by myself in my car, I began to laugh at what I thought was important, or what I was going to die from if it didn’t happen. So, now I remind you to think about your childhood, and your memories, and know that you survived then, you will survive now. Remember to laugh, it makes your body happy.

September 01, 2009

Lucky to Be Alive & Free

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

Have you seen what is happening in California? Fires, and it does not look like they are getting it under control. I know that when I first heard about the fires I thought, they always have fires in California. However, this is in a different area of the state, which has not had fires for 60 years. Then I thought of several things that maybe I had known, but not remembered.

Living here in the Midwest, I only worry about the occasional tornado, or flooding. Living here in the Midwest, our economy does not rise as high, or fall as low as other areas of the country. Our State is in terrible shape financially and politically, but it sounds like California is in even worse shape

I’m sure there are others, but that was enough for me to be thankful, and sometimes that is all I need to be reminded of, how lucky I am to be alive and free.

August 31, 2009


How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

Bears win should be enough for being positive, but I looked at it differently. Jay Cutler went back to Denver as the traitor, with all of the appropriate Boo Birds, and hostile crowd. Denver was able to keep the Bears inside the 20 yard line at the beginning of the game, and almost got a Safety. The Denver team was all jacked up, and wanted to beat Cutler, and the Bears. Jay Cutler was rattled at the beginning of the game, but then settled in. The remaining first half of the game, he was excellent.

Jay Cutler believed in himself, his skills and abilities, and believed in his team. He did not give up, he did not run from what I am sure was a very gut wrenching situation. We all face challenges in our lives, especially in these times, and it is in these times that we find out what we are made of. Are we tough, are we resilient, will we work hard and figure out how to get through? I may stumble from time to time, but I will always pick myself up, and get back in the game. Will you?

August 27, 2009

I Can Be Anybody

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

As I drove to work this morning, I saw kid’s out going to school, whether they were walking, riding their bike, or waiting for the bus. They all that had “back to school” feeling to them. I want to be cool, I want to fit in, will I make new friends, are some of their thoughts. I have that same anxiety when I am going to a Chamber of Commerce Meeting, or a Builders Association Meeting, or sometimes even going on a Sales Call. The difference between the two, is that I now have experience behind me, and I know that I will not die, and that life will go on. I know that I can be anybody I want to be when I meet people for the first time. I can be smart, I can be happy, I can be confident, because the person who does not know me, does not know my weaknesses. Today, I will display my strengths and disguise my weaknesses.

August 26, 2009

Really Believe!

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

As I look at the financial markets rising, read about housing improving, or at least better than the expectation, Germany’s consumer confidence, or developers now buying land in California because they think the market has bottomed out. I think about belief, which comes first? Is our depth of belief in direct proportion to our ability to accomplish what we want to accomplish? Did Michael Jordan believe so strongly that he would win, that he did? Does Tiger Woods really believe he has the ability to “will” the ball into the hole? Did miracles really occur because of the faith in God that one person had? If so, then when consumer confidence rises, people will begin to spend. I will rededicate myself today to believe, really believe that I will accomplish my goals.

August 25, 2009

Seize Today!

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

By committing myself to writing something positive everyday that I am in the office, I find myself on the look out for positives everywhere I go, and everything I hear. Sometimes it is business related, or sports related and especially now, family and friend related. Sometimes I think of what I can see, and sometimes I think of what is not me. I am not starving in Africa, I am not without a family, I have no illness, there are many things that I do not have, which is a blessing.

We did our Garage Door of Shame last week at a golf outing, in the rain. There were fewer foursomes because of the weather, and we finished before lunch and left. I get word that there was an accident in the parking lot, and that two of the participants who were riding on the back of a golf cart fell off and hit their head. They were both rushed to the hospital, one stayed for 2 days and was released. The other may not make it through this week.

I have been teased from time to time about my “signature” of Seize Today! The events of last week remind me to live this every day. One minute you are at a golf outing, and having fun. The next minute you are in the hospital, and your head injury is so bad you may not make it through. Sometimes staying positive is realizing that there is always somebody that is in worse shape than we are. Today, I will make an extra effort to Seize Today. Today I will tell those I love how special they are to me. Today, I will tell you that you make me feel special because you read these emails. Thank you.

August 24, 2009

Cheer Each Other, Never to Give Up

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

I was out of the office Thursday and Friday, so no Positive email was sent. Some of you may have liked the break, while others have inquired as to why there was none. I am glad to say that in the last few days I was able to see many positives for me, and for all of us. What a surprise that financial markets are still up, the Dow above 9,500, the NASDAQ above 2,000 and the S&P above 1,000. All of these are good signs compared to almost a year ago when the Dow was below 8,000. I must remind myself that the markets are emotionally based at times, but it must make people, my customer, feel better about the economy, their job, and their life.

I am betting that the spirit of the American people will fight to get our economy back on track, and will not give up. This is similar to the spirit of the Solheim Cup Team USA. They did not give up, they fought, and the crowds encouraged them to play hard and dig deep. I will encourage the people around me to fight hard and not give up. Only together will we make it through these “challenging” times.

August 19, 2009


How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

Well yesterday was unexpected: All of the Market Indexes were up, Dow, NASDAQ, and S & P. The best news was that Residential Housing was up again, this makes 5 months. It seems that home prices are beginning to stabilize. There is no hint of inflation. We all know that there will be ups and downs in all sectors of our economy, so I expect this. When my expectations are met, I feel comfortable. This is whether they are good expectations or bad expectations. The key is to identify my expectations. Whether it be with the economy, politics, religion, my business, my friends, or my family. We all have expectations in all areas of our lives. Knowing what they are allows us to be prepared. Exceeding our expectations is only fun when they are good expectations. I will work harder on exceeding the expectations that others have of me, and I will do a better job of creating the expectations others have of me.

August 18, 2009

Our Turn For A Slow Recovery

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

We all knew that the Stock Markets would come back some, but what was surprising is that the Dow still stayed above 9,000, the NASDAQ is still just below 2,000, and the S & P is still close to 1,000. In addition, inventories in businesses are rising. This is due to most companies have now run down their inventory levels and need to restock, which means the supply chain will begin, which means that some companies will actually be working. Automakers are beginning to make cars again, and open plants, and that supply chain will also begin to reemerge. Back to School retail is beginning, it sill be slow, but better than last year, this is another area of our economy that is beginning to bounce back.

Our economy needs to start somewhere, and these are just a few areas that are doing just that. All of those people in those areas are going to be affected positively and, some of those people are my customers. So, soon it will be our turn for a slow recovery.

August 17, 2009

Staying Focused On What I Believe

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

Another golf analogy, but I find there are many similarities between golf and life.

Yesterday, Y.E. Yang beat Tiger Woods, the #1 golf in the world. Y.E. Yang began the tournament the #110 best golfer in the world. In addition, Tiger is known to want Major Championships more than anything, and yesterday was a Major Tournament. Y.E. Yang did not falter because he was up against Tiger, he did not change the way he played his game, he stayed focused on who he was and he stayed with his game plan.

This just goes to show that anyone, on any given day can beat the competition, even if they are the biggest, or the best. I will stay focused on my game plan, and will not waiver. I will stay true to myself, and what I believe to be the best way to run a business.

August 14, 2009

"They" Confuse Us

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

First there was the next great “recession”, then came the fear of “deflation”, then came an argument of, has there been a “recovery”, then came the fear of “inflation”. I wish they would make up their minds. They are confusing us mere citizens and consumers.

August 13, 2009

Putting on New Glasses

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

I find that at times I focus too much on my own thoughts and my own life, that when new moments in other lives occur I am startled into reality. This week so far, one of the guys I work with finally had their baby after months of concern and bed rest, and all are healthy. Then a friend of my daughter’s who has experienced 4 miscarriages, and almost a year of being on the Adoption List, found out they are expecting a mother to provide them with twins in November. Last, I was able to spend time with my daughter and family and in-laws and the family last night. Reflecting on this while sleeping caused me to feel joy. A new life coming into our world, at this time, with no prejudice, no worries, no expectations, showed me that we can all choose to look at our world through any color glasses we desire. Today I will put on glasses of wisdom, with a touch of wonderment, and be mindful that with new life, I must be prepared to set an example of “living” a life.

August 12, 2009

Will I Panic, or Stay Focused?

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

Since I started to play golf in 1998, I have been amazed how many parallels there are between the “game” of golf, and the “game” of a life. This past weekend, on Sunday afternoon, with three holes to play, the final group, who was in the lead, was put on the clock. This means that they must play faster, because they were out of position by 17 minutes. Padraig Harrington panicked, and played faster, swung faster and lost. Tiger stayed calm, stayed within himself, and did not panic, and won. As I thought about this, I realized that this recession that we have been living in, is similar. We have all been put on the clock, and it is up to us how we react. The question I have for myself is simple, will I panic, or will I stay focused and calm and play my way to a victory? Only time will tell.

August 11, 2009

Baby Steps

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

I have been quite surprised that the Stock Markets have been stable. It looks like there is more of a positive feeling out there, and that is only good for us all. We all need to do our part to build a beautiful beach, one grain at a time. I keep reminding myself that it is always baby steps, we will need to crawl before we can walk, and walk before we can run. We’ve been crawling, and now we are walking, slowly at first, which is where we are now. I can’t wait until we are at a more brisk pace, although I can wait for the running. I think we all will need time to prepare, and that should not happen for several years.

August 06, 2009

Sports & Business

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

Even in a loss, the Cubs are still in 1st place. The Bears started training camp, and Brett Favre stayed retired. It’s funny how sports can be an escape for us. Like business, we have to train, practice, and put ourselves in a position to win. The difference is that there is no such thing as a practice field in business. We just have to make the plan, and work the plan, and adjust along the way. In business, our offense needs to anticipate their defense, and the defense is the markets, the customer, the government, the economies. I continue to look at, and then plan my business to what I anticipate will happen.

August 05, 2009

Working on All Three

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

We’ve had a few days of fun. Sold another SunSetter Awning, picked up another Country Club, made friends with a competitor who might want to use us for outsourcing, working our past clients tripled our leads last week. Hey, even the stock markets held up yesterday. You know, all any us needs is some positive things to happen, and we can continue to carry on. Making positive things happen requires hard work, time, and some luck. I will continue to work on all three!

We All Need Three

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

We’ve had a few days of fun. Sold another SunSetter Awning, picked up another Country Club, made friends with a competitor who might want to use us for outsourcing, working our past clients tripled our leads in last week. Hey, even the stock markets held up yesterday. You know, all any us needs is some positive things to happen, and we can continue to carry on. Making positive things happen requires hard work, time, and some luck. I will continue to work on all three!

August 04, 2009

Two Steps Forward

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

Yesterday all of the markets were up, Dow almost to 9,300, NASDAQ over 2,000 and the S & P over 1,000. As a country it looks like we are taking two steps forward, and now be ready for the one step back. However, we must reflect back to last Christmas and how dire it all looked. We have been moving forward, and we will continue to move forward. We just must put any back tracking in perspective. For me, in my business, as long as I am moving forward with progression I am happy.

August 03, 2009

Finish Line is in Sight

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

It looks like Microsoft’s release of Windows 7 in October, and the success of the Cash for Clunkers program is going to really help the economy. Steel production is on the rise, auto sales are on the rise. This leads to callbacks of jobs, which will stimulate the economy, and Unemployment may not hit 10%, although it’s going to be close.

Let’s all hang on, help each other, we are almost at the finish line!

July 27, 2009

Trend in the Making

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

New Home Sales came in for June and they are up!!! This confirms that Existing Home Sales were up last week. I see a trend in the making.

July 24, 2009

Psychological Success

How to Stay Positive in a “Challenging” World

Well, it seems that the World is not as “Negative”, it is still “Challenging” however. Some good signs are that the Dow went above 9,000, the NASDAQ is closing in on 2,000 and the S& P is closing in on 1,000. Now, I don’t expect it to stay that way, but we have been taking two steps forward, and one step back. We all need psychological success, milestones in our lives. This could be what we need to build some momentum.

July 23, 2009

Think first, then Action

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

I took time yesterday to just sit and think for 15 minutes about creative ideas that I could implement immediately to generate a Lead or two. This may sound strange, but I then thought of a headline in our local paper talking about a polo event that took place over the weekend. I Googled “polo” and found an international organization. Dialed down to state and area, and found 11 polo clubs in our geographic territory. Now, we are going to send an email and follow up with a flyer showing photos of Barn & Stable Organization. This just showed me to take time to think, and then follow up with action.

July 22, 2009

It's Got to Start Somewhere

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

I talked with a supplier today, and he said that he is seeing pockets of activity in the Chicagoland area. He is also hearing that there is a greater sense of optimism among his builders and homeowners. For this I am glad, only because it must start somewhere for it to begin spreading, which will eventually lead to our doors. Hang on, don’t give up!!

July 21, 2009

Joys of a Hot Shower

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

The joys of a hot shower. Our water was on the fritz this past weekend. It’s the simple things that really puts life back in perspective. I know there are people in the world that don’t have their own shower, for this little convenience I am thankful.

July 20, 2009

To Be Positive

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

OK, Friday they were talking about Building Permits are UP, Housing Starts are UP and Retail Sales are UP. Then they said that it looks like we are heading for a U-Shaped Recovery. I remember this time last year and it was beginning to look pretty bad. What a difference a year makes! We are now talking positive, and some people are acting positive. I’m going to choose to be one of those people, to be positive, for nothing ever gets better because of a bad attitude.

July 16, 2009

The Sun's Energy

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

I can’t explain it, but there is something about sunshine that tends to energize me. I am hoping it also energizes my potential customers.

July 15, 2009

Be Different

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

There is no fun in the fact that sales are down, and have been for some time. However, I am finding moments of being reenergized by being forced to think differently, act differently, and look for new ways to find people we can serve. I think the act of being creative is positive, now let’s see if all of this creativity produces results.

July 14, 2009

Many Small Successes

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Well, Leads were up last week, we have a verbal commitment for a SunSetter Awning and it’s only been 2 weeks. Debatable, but they are saying Retail Sales are better. A customer from 17 years ago called for more “problem solving” around her home, and I survived one hour in a house with four cats and did not sneeze once.

July 13, 2009

Glad to be Where I am

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

There are many businesses that I can be involved in, I am glad I am in the problem solving business for peoples homes. Advertising, newspapers, and magazines seem to be struggling more in this age of the internet.

July 10, 2009

I Woke Up Today!

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Sometimes it’s not the economy, it’s not whether I have a job, it’s not politics, it’s not religion, it’s not war that I need to be concerned about. Simply, it’s whether I woke up this morning. Now that I have, what am I going to do about it? I choose to be positive and fight for all that I believe in.

July 09, 2009


How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Wow! It’s nice for a change, especially in these tough times to make a decision and have it begin to bear fruit. 2 weeks ago, we made a decision to become a dealer for SunSetter Awnings. Last week, we received the display and installed it in our showroom. In the last week, we have received 5 Leads that lead to 5 appointments, which lead to 5 quotes, all from the SunSetter website. Step 1 was to create another method for us to obtain Leads. Now, onto Step 2, make the Sale. Hopefully, that will occur within the next few days.

A Good Decision

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Wow! It’s nice for a change, especially in these tough times to make a decision and have it begin to bear fruit. 2 weeks ago, we made a decision to become a dealer for SunSetter Awnings. Last week, we received the display and installed it in our showroom. In the last week, we have received 5 Leads that lead to 5 appointments, which lead to 5 quotes, all from the SunSetter website. Step 1 was to create another method for us to obtain Leads. Now, onto Step 2, make the Sale. Hopefully, that will occur within the next few days.

July 08, 2009

What Are You Worried About?

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

OK, I admit I listened to the news recently and was reminded of the violence in our world. As I spend my day, I am not worried about being shot by a drive-by shooter, or by my wife. I am not concerned about driving over an IED, or being arrested and tortured because of my political beliefs. So far, I am not thinking about my next meal, or a roof over my head. My thoughts are “How can I make a sale? Or, How can I serve my customers better?”. I am glad those are my thoughts and concerns, not what others may be worried and concerned about.

July 06, 2009

Winning the Game

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Going to a Cubs game yesterday was fun. Watching them win was positive. Doing it with my wife and in-laws was special. However, I realized that business, unlike sports has no end to it. No time to run out, no last pitch or last out. The only way I know when the game of business is over is either I say it is, or the customer says it is. I will keep serving the customer and let them help me win the game.

July 03, 2009

Working With All Types of Clients

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Something fun, this week we installed closet systems in a new home for one of the Chicago Cubs relief pitchers. Can’t say who, unless we pay him for an endorsement. Looking back over the years there have been a few “media” clients, like the morning weather lady on ABC 7, a Chicago Bear defensive player, a few Oprah Producers, and a number a CEO’s of large companies. Looking back, no matter who or what our clients are, we have helped them solve problems around their home. This is a business I am glad I am involved in.

July 01, 2009

Are You a Survivor?

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Yesterday I was planning on sending the email, but was called into the city because my Mom got into an automobile accident. She is fine, just a few bumps and bruises, but the car is going to be totaled, I’m sure. So, what’s Positive about that? She did not get hurt, for starters. There are so many accidents that occur where people get injured or die, I am thankful. It is in these moments of our lives that we need to be reminded how fragile and precious life is, family is, and friends are. It is not the loss of a car, but the joy of surviving, my Mother said. One thing for sure, I am a survivor. Are you?

June 29, 2009

Did You Wake Up This Morning?

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Thinking about last week, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson. Now, Bill Mays the Pitchman, and Madoff gets 150 years, the US leaving the cities of Iraq, and I come to think how life is so fragile. At times it seems that my life is insignificant when one views the impact others have had on all of mankind. Then, I realize that my life does have impact to those that I talk with each day, those that are my friends and those that are my family. I am glad I woke up this morning, some people did not.

June 26, 2009

You Just Have to Find It!

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

This is a two part Positive: 1) We picked up a new builder yesterday. He was a referral from an existing builder. The new builder’s closet company went out of business. 2) When meeting with him, he said that he is going to have his best year ever this year. The reason, the area that he works in, is an older community and they are remodeling their homes. He is not doing new construction right now, only remodeling. See, there is business out there, I just have to find it.

June 25, 2009

Any Way You Can Get It

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

OK, this is not a normal thought for the day, but I guess the world is not normal. Our trade association sent out the following email to highlight Paris Hilton’s Closet. I guess the positive is that it is free press about an over thHow to Stay Positive in a Negative World

June 24, 2009

Others Have it Both Better and Worse

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

In the last few days I have been reminded that there are always people who have it better than me, but more importantly, have it worse than me. I have heard of businesses closing, businesses that have had to lay off a large percentage of their people, friends who have been laid off, people who have or are diseased, people who are getting divorced, and people who have to sell their home. This is all in the last 7 days. Seeing all of this, I am thankful I just woke up this morning. Today, I will “suck the bone marrow out life”.

June 23, 2009

Other Forms of Revenue

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

As simple as this sounds, I found good in it. We have not had our air conditioning in our new showroom for over two weeks. In the beginning it was not as bad as it now, but our entire Sales Team endured, without much complaining and continued to design & sell. Now, the best part is that the company to fix our air conditioner is a past client. He wants to organize his home further, and wants to barter it out. Business is still happening in America, even if it is not on the books and being reported in the media.

June 22, 2009

It's Really Simple

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Spending Father’s Day with different families, and sharing many different stories, I am struck with how simple life really is, and sometimes how complex I can make it. Love family, and those that are not, allow them to be a part of my family. Love people for who they are, for I cannot change them. Love God, not out of guilt, but because it feels good to love.

June 20, 2009

Others Thinking Positive

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

The spirit of our American people and entrepreneurs is great. I believe we must be coming out of our recession. Yesterday, I drove by an empty store with a sign in the window “Opening in July--Hot Water Heater Store”. My thoughts ranged from “In July?” to “They have to sell other things?”. Whoever is opening this store must be positive thinking, and that’s all I needed yesterday.

March 10, 2009

Colds Can Be Good

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Having my son-in-law give me a cold this past weekend, can be considered negative by some. In my case, I am lucky that we like each other, and see each other often enough that he could give me a cold. Family and friends is really what life is about.

March 06, 2009

The Feeling of Spring

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

I have faith that the weather yesterday and today will spark in people the feeling of spring. Which brings beauty, new life, and a cleansing of winter. Then, I hope that will translate into leads and then sales!

March 05, 2009

Two Steps Forward

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

One of our builders signed two contracts this past week, and another is breaking ground on a 5 unit multi family building. Slowly, but surely business is occurring. As long as we can take two steps forward and one step back, I’ll be OK.

March 04, 2009

Who Will Influence Me?

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

I have observed that people are inherently good and positive, without outside influences. I must be careful what I let influence me, and those I love.

March 03, 2009

Getting Closer

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

We, as Americans are finally getting it. Our personal savings rate went up in this country. I have found that when people have more savings they feel more confident. When we feel confident, we are more likely to make purchases. We are getting closer, we’re not there yet, but we are getting closer.

It’s just like when I go Cold Calling, I know that I need to talk with over 20 builders to get one to say yes. When someone says no, I know I am getting closer to the yes. I get the feeling that we are getting closer to the bottom, which could take more time than I want, but we are getting closer. One thing for sure is that there will be an end to this recession at some point in time!

March 02, 2009

We're Here...

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

February typically is our slow month, it wasn’t the greatest….but we are here on March 1st!!

February 27, 2009

Hope & Drive

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

We all know of someone who is less fortunate than we are, but what is encouraging, is that we also know people that are more fortunate than we are. This gives me hope and drive to keep going.

February 26, 2009

Being Forced to be Better

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

I am being forced to be more creative, make better decisions and run a better company. I will be a better person because of these times we are in now.

February 25, 2009

Two Months in a Row

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

The Market went up yesterday, the media is calling Obama’s address last night, “a speech of hope”, the housing sales numbers come out today and it looks like it may be up for two months in a row.

February 24, 2009

Winning Against My Parents!

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

We all remember growing up wanting to win some type of competition against our parents. For me, it was when I beat my Dad in wrestling. I knew from a young age that I wanted to beat my Dad. In all of my dreams, I never thought that I would want to beat my Mom at cooking. This past weekend I did, with my Oatmeal Cookies! Now that’s something to be positive about.

February 23, 2009

Doing the Right Thing

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Over the weekend I had more than one occurrence of “doing the right thing”. The old saying “What goes around, comes around” is true. Sometimes it takes a while, but it will happen. I am going to continue to follow my instinct and my heart, and know that I am “doing the right thing”.

February 20, 2009

iPod Playlist

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Yesterday I was in the car driving quite a bit, and I ended up turning on the news. What was I thinking? Two things occurred though, first I heard that real estate sales went up 1% in January, and second I created on my iPod a Playlist titled Motivation. My commute to work is 12 minutes, and I have music that I play that gets me all jacked up for the day. I will play this not just on my way to work, but also when I’m feeling down.

February 19, 2009

It's My Choice

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

One thing I know for sure is that whether I’ve had a bad day or good, whether I am positive or negative, the sun will go down on this day and come up tomorrow. My choice is how I choose to live each day. Positive does not mean putting my head in the sand, it just means how I treat people and how I look at life and my work.

February 18, 2009

Our Mission

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Our Leads that we have received this year are 11% higher, and our Sales are 25% higher than last year at this time. We are finding people that do want our products and services. The difference this year is that they want value at a reduced price. Our mission is to figure out a way to deliver on this expectation.

I must believe that the economy though slower, still must carry on. Goods and Services still must be sold. Developing a Plan to capture our share of that economy is the challenge, that I am up for!

February 17, 2009

Gaining Market Share

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

I found out yesterday that we gained market share! One of our competitors went out of business, and another closed their showroom in Naperville.

February 16, 2009

Fear's Danger

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Franklin Roosevelt’s famous speech stated that “all we have to fear is fear itself.”

I can live in fear, that is true, but I cannot succeed in fear.

February 13, 2009

Up, Up, Up

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

The Stimulus Bill got passed, Retail Sales for January went up, and the Financial Markets went up.

February 12, 2009

Face of a Child

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

When looking into the face of a child, you see only joy, not fear. I will live today with joy in my heart.

February 11, 2009

It's Simple

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

I woke up this morning with a plan. Simple really, all I have to do is follow the plan!